The only person who ever spoke with absolute authority about death and what we can expect to follow, was Jesus Christ. His words have fascinated thinkers and philosophers throughout the ages. For example, he called himself by this startling title, "I am the resurrection and the life". He said that at the tomb of a man called Lazarus who, in a few moments, he was to raise from the dead after he had laid in the tomb for four days! You can read the story in the Bible. You will find it in John's gospel chapter eleven.
Then, some time later, he demonstrated this authority over death and life when he rose from the dead after having been in the tomb himself for three days.
Faced with the claims and sayings of Jesus Christ one must decide whether he was who he said he was, and whether he spoke the truth. Somebody has put it this way, Jesus Christ was either a liar, a lunatic, or who he claimed to be, the Son of God.
For me, he is who he said he was, the Son of the Living God. Therefore, I accept his words as being truthful and trustworthy. I believe him. As many of his hearers said of him, "No man has ever spoken like this man". (John 7: 46)
Here are some more of his sayings.
There are many more of these wonderful statements. All of them give hope, encouragement, courage and faith. You can "bet your life" upon them. They are totally true and utterly trustworthy.
As you read on you will find out, in five clear steps, more about God and what kind of person he truly is and some of the good things he has planned for your life. Along the way you will discover why many people never come to enjoy these for themselves. You will then find, explained as simply and clearly as I can, how you can be sure of The Most Important Thing In The World - Eternal Life. Finally, there are some keys to living abundantly in the now of your life.
Please click to continue... Steps to be sure of eternal life...
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